St. Bartholomew's is a small but vibrant and enthusiastic congregation who love the Lord and love each other. We enjoy deeply reverent worship, solid Biblical preaching, and lively fellowship. Drawn from the New Bern area and other surrounding communities, we are a diverse group that includes babies, children, teens, young adults, and older folks. We come from a wide variety of denominational backgrounds and non-religious upbringings. We would love to have you visit and worship with us.
Our Priest
Fr. Thomas Ricks is a native North Carolinian who returned home in 2017 after many years of living in other places. He holds degrees from Duke University, Christendom College, and The Catholic University of America and is a veteran of the United States Army. Fr. Ricks is a bi-vocational priest, serving as what he calls a "self-supporting missionary priest" (a bit like the Apostle Paul?) while making his living as an executive in the software industry. He is a married man and the father of eight sons and three daughters. With his upbringing in the Free Will Baptist tradition and fourteen years spent in the Roman Church, Fr. Ricks relates easily to people from a wide variety of backgrounds.
Meet The Vestry
Senior warden
jim gill
Jim Gill has a bio that says flattering things about him, talks about what he does, and briefly discusses key character traits so that when you meet him in real life you already feel somewhat familiar.
junior warden
John Adams
John Adams has a bio that says flattering things about him, talks about what he does, and briefly discusses key character traits so that when you meet him in real life you already feel somewhat familiar.
don butterworth
Don Butterworth has a bio that says flattering things about him, talks about what he does, and briefly discusses key character traits so that when you meet him in real life you already feel somewhat familiar.
karen’s Title?
karen rowe
Karen Rowe has a bio that says flattering things about her, talks about what she does, and briefly discusses key character traits so that when you meet her in real life you already feel somewhat familiar.
Title? videographer?
jacob crouse
Jacob Crouse has a bio that says flattering things about him, talks about what he does, and briefly discusses key character traits so that when you meet him in real life you already feel somewhat familiar.
Carol’s Title?
Carol foy
Carol Foye has a bio that says flattering things about her, talks about what she does, and briefly discusses key character traits so that when you meet her in real life you already feel somewhat familiar.