St. Bartholomew's is a small but vibrant and enthusiastic congregation who love the Lord and love each other. We enjoy deeply reverent worship, solid Biblical preaching, and lively fellowship. Drawn from the New Bern area and other surrounding communities, we are a diverse group that includes babies, children, teens, young adults, and older folks. We come from a wide variety of denominational backgrounds and non-religious upbringings. We would love to have you visit and worship with us.

Every Sunday at 10:30AM we enjoy a wonderful and traditional service of classic hymns, ancient prayers from the early church, and readings from holy scripture, as well as a meaningful and insightful sermon given by our priest. The service finally concludes in an intimate encounter with God himself in the receiving of Holy Eucharist, also known as Communion. After the service ends feel free to take some time to say hello and to get to know our warm and friendly congregation.

And we’d be remiss to leave out that on the third Sunday of each month the ladies of the church host a fantastic parish lunch following mass!

Want to see more about what we’re talking about? check out our Parish Life page